November 11, 2004

They're Movin' and Shakin' at the W3C


Thanks for the many responses I've had to my post yesterday concerning Canada - some very good thoughts and suggestions, including the primary things one needs to remember when in Canada:

"Moving to canada is no big deal, as long as you learn that re is better than er and eh is a verb, noun, and adjective all in one."

Thanks, Ronan.

The political statement out of the way, its time I got back to why I write this column in the first place ... GOSSIP! Er..., no, XML. Same difference.

The XML Bernie Botts

Watching the W3C at work is very much like shaking out Bertie Bott's Jelly Beans (the kind from Harry Potter that my 11 year old daughter so loves torturing her old father with). Sometimes the specs released by the W3C are very good - a vanilla or taffy flavored jelly bean that's surprisingly delicious. Sometimes the specs are more like "vomit" or "dirt", though with annotations.

The last couple of weeks I'd have to say there were a delightfully high number of blueberry delight and banana split and the worst to come out was still on the order of "grass" - edible, just not all that exciting. We're past the OWL specifications (there's another Harry Potter column coming on if you're not very careful) which quite frankly read like Noam Chomsky had just engaged in a serious argument with Richard Feynman. You had a drought where for a while all that was brewing were small specs like Accessibility, important in their own right but like listening to a lecture about going on dates from your spinster great aunt. Just when I was beginning to despair that the entire friggin' box was filled with "library paste" jelly beans, along came a bunch of very tasty treats indeed.

This was just picked up from the Recently Published Working Draft Section for the last two weeks. To quote my four year old daughter "This is AWESOME!"

Even more is hidden in the details here. For instance, I note that in the XSLT Serialization specification, there's not one editor but three: Michael Kay (Saxonica), Norman Walsh (Sun), Henry Zongaro (IBM). A lot of my job entails reading behind the lines and trying to understand the significance, but to me this is a pretty strong indication that both Sun and IBM are watching XSLT2 VERY carefully; you don't put a powerhouse hitter like Norman Walsh (the author of the DocBook specification) on a specification unless you think it'll be important.

That you'd need a specification just for the serialization aspect of XSLT2 may seem a little odd as well, until you understand that one of the key new features in that specification is the <result-document> element. This makes it possible for an XSLT2 document to generate more than one output. The most obvious uses of this capability is to use XSLT2 to generate secondary XML documents, but much like input and output streams this is just one of many areas. Generation of SOAP messages, creation of non-XML source code from XML documentation files (especially with many of the other new features in that specification), and rerouting of messages to databases all fall within the province of this new feature. Combine that with the elimination of the tree fragment such that intermediate XML can be created within a transformation and manipulated directly (no more node-set() function!), regular expression support, and the ability to import text, and XSLT2 is beginning to look pretty damn brawny.

Serialization gives you the ability to do things such as to set the content encoding of a document, making it much easier to handle Unicode UTF-16 encoding. The specification also introduces character mappings, which gives you a way of avoiding the need to incorporate DTDs within source code (or the transformations themselves) in order to define entities. While there are some features of DTDs which continue to be useful, XML is slowly losing its reliance upon them.

The XPath 2.0 specification is similarly an important document, and the news on this one was perhaps not quite as sweet as I'd hoped. XPath is a major specification because it underlies not only XSLT but XQuery, XForms, and SVG's xXBL may have some dependencies in its next draft (see below). The last specification was labelled Last Call, which means that it is usually considered one step before a Proposed Draft -- it is an opportunity to put the specification in front of people and get feedback. There was a LOT of feedback this time around, enough that after some consideration, XPath has been taken out of Last Call Status and is once again strictly a working draft.

The issues that have necessitated this are fairly broad, due in part to the need to more properly specify the character model (part of the serialization above) and in part to rectify some of the thornier issues with type conversions. Another common feeling (one that I personally agree with) is the huge number of date-time functions and the feeling that many of these are redundant or readily derivable, especially given the extension mechanisms that exist in both XQuery and XSLT. There are also some indication that one of the original goals of XPath 2 - providing data aware type objects, has receded considerably as people have thought more about what specifically the specification was intended to accomplish. Finally, collations, which affect string order, have been put on the table as things which need to be more clearly defined before the specification can be published.

Regardless, this means that most of the specifications involved will likely be in limbo for at least another six months because of this delay. The one positive aspect about this is the fact that the specifications are not likely to change considerably, so that so long as you stay clear of the more problematic functionality, you can actually use the beta XSLT2 processors that are beginning to surface with some reliability.

SVG 1.2 Goes Into Last Call

After the last paragraph, I'll be cautious about saying too much about this one, though because it is for me a little closer to home I've been watching this particular battle rage for the last couple of weeks. SVG 1.2 is, to put it bluntly, what SVG should have been four years ago:
  1. SVG1.2 defines a mechanism for dealing with wrapping text in paragraphs, and does so in a spectacular fashion by making it possible to flow text through irregular shapes, and from one shape to another.
  2. SVG1.2 defines video and audio tags for creating robust multimedia.
  3. SVG1.2 includes a binding mechanism called sXBL (SVG XML Binding Language) that makes it possible to use XML to build complex components.
  4. SVG1.2 includes an editable attribute to make it possible to change text on the fly.
  5. SVG1.2 incorporates a mechanism to create filter vector effects.
  6. SVG1.2 includes sockets and HTTP support for building distributed applications.
All in all, it puts together enough substance to make it into a serious graphics substrate layer, with the one lone difference between it and a language such as XAML being that it does not yet address 3D. Of course, given that the next version of SVG will be version 1."3", I'd say this isn't that big of a problem.

The SVG 1.1. specification was revisionary - it clarified a few features that were not completely specified in 1.0. SVG 1.2 on the other hand is meant more as an addendum, shuffling new chapters into the thing that we call SVG. It is also a very controversial specification, as SVG is now beginning to seriously encroach into other areas such as HTML and XSL-FO. This is not so much true in terms of the specifications - HTML is a logical description of a web page while SVG is a lower level graphics description language - but when you combine SVG with sXBL you have what amounts to a mechanism by which you can use SVG to render that HTML in a pretty fair representation of a web page. In this way what SVG serves to do is replace not so much the specifications, but at least SOME functionality of the browsers themselves.

X.Org Does SVG

This has some very interesting implications, especially in conjunction with what is happening in Linux. A year ago, the XFree86 organization, the group responsible for the X graphical system on Unix and later Linux, split on the basis of changes desired by certain members to make the license non-GPL compliant. The GPL faction formed a new organization,, and immediately set out to solve another problem with XFree86 - the glacially slow development pace of XFree. XFree86 is ancient technology - the first X implementation was created in 1984, twenty years ago, and although the framework was remarkably flexible there were several places in the underlying graphics model that were proving remarkably constrictive. used this break as a chance to rebuild much of the more troublesome aspects of X. While this effort is still ongoing, already there are a number of new features to X which are making developers salivate:
  • Moving from a 24 bit to a 32 bit color space - the RGBA space - to provide 8 bits (256 levels) of alpha channel support. This makes it possible to push transparency directly into the chips, whereas before transformation had to be done much higher up the stack at the application level, resulting in far poorer performance.
  • Establishing much finer invalid region support into the graphics layer itself, resulting in much faster screen refreshes - an absolute must for animation.
  • More tightly integrating the 2D and 3D engines used by unix based systems, a critical feature for the Java Glass window initiative (and X3D).
  • Creating more robust events that can be captured at the X layer, rather than needing to be placed up in the application stack.
  • Incorporating hooks for SVG integration (yeah!!).
One implication of this is that SVG is bidding to become the equivalent to GDI under Microsoft Windows - in a role with Linux that'll compete directly with the XAML graphical layer under .NET. As SVG 1.2 will likely be a full specification about the time that most of the new begins making its way into commercial applications, this implies the possibility that SVG 1.2 could become pervasive under Linux.

New Compound Document Formats Group Formed
One of the more intriguing ideas behind many of the presentation oriented specifications is the concept that you can embed SVG and MathML code within XHTML, possibly combining it with XForms content or other related specifications. Some browsers are already doing this, but when theory hits reality, inconsistencies between models can cause more headaches than expected.

In mid-October, the W3C announced the formation of the Compound Document Formats Working Group (CDF) specifically to provide ways to smooth that integration. The formation of this group sends a signal that the W3C is shifting from the development of base technologies specifications and to the interchange between the various specs, something which has needed to happen for a while. I suspect that interoperability will be the name of the game for the next couple of years, especially once the big specifications like XSLT2 and XPath2 finally go golden.

There has been a tendency in the past for specifications to occasionally develop potentially competing and certainly conflicting aspects with other specifications issued by the W3C, meaning that if you wished to use on technology you might potentially be locked out of using another, even though both are conformant with the W3C process. By getting this resolved, user agents of the future will be considerably more integrated with all of the W3C specifications, and the notion that all of these objects can effectively play within the same DOM-space is particularly exciting (your HTML controls the MathML, which in turn controls the SVG, populates the XForm data, and passes the results up to a pipe using the XML DOM).

I've been busy on other projects and am beginning to wrap those up, freeing up more time for Metaphorical Web columns - so expect the activity to pick up again here. Is there something that your company or organization is doing in the XML space that you think is worth shouting about? If there is, contact me at with the inside scoop. Until next time, enjoy!



Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

XSLT has always had Serialization (just as it always had a Data Model, another XSLT/XQuery spec I'm editing). Those things used to be part of the XSLT spec, but they've been broken out into a separate documents so that XSLT and XQuery can more easily share them. The same is true of Functions and Operators (uhm, my name's on that one too, but Jim and Ashok are doing the real work now, just like Henry did the real work on Serialization in the last round of publication).

With respect to my involvement, I've been on the XSL WG (as have my colleagues from IBM and Microsoft and Oracle and other places) since the very beginning. It's definitely going to be important stuff.

--Norman Walsh

Unknown said...

Mr. Walsh,

Wow!! I never quite expected to get a comment from YOU on this! Thank you for taking the time to respond.

I should have done my homework on this; I did know that you were on the F&O specification, which overall is looking very good, though I'd still prefer to see the date function set reduced.

BTW, thank you for the work you've done with DocBook - I use it extensively.

-- Kurt

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"Generate thousands of links back to your website with Lin Referral. Link Referral is completely free and if you want you can upgrade to sell the links on to others. Link Referral takes website SEO to a new level and before long you could be on page 1 of google and earning considerable sums of money. Some people are earning thousands from Link Referral"

Anonymous said...

Good blog - very interesting!! Thought you might like some excellent advice on driving extra traffic to your website/blog - I'm into cold fusion web hosting and to drive traffic to my website I was searching around the internet for absolutely ages looking for SEO tools to fire my site up the Google search engine, then I signed up free for this superb traffic gereating tool - I now have loads of hits to my websites/blogs and my site is shooting up the Google rankings quicker than ever before.

Consequently this can see your affiliate commissions shoot through the roof - meaning lots of extra money coming in for you and your family. Sign up now - it's free.
. Sorry if this information is of no use to you but seeing as you have the anonymous feature enabled I thought I should share this free bit of essential promotional advice with you and would hope you would do the same for me.

I hope the tool will serve you equally as well as it has me!!

Best of luck, cheers for now, dave.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


Sorry to intrude but I saw your blog, noticed you have anonymous posting enabled and thought you might be interested in this great search engine optimization tool for your blog and website (if you have one) that a techi mate recommended to me. Apparently it's all the rage in the IT arena.

I am involved in money making home business and I've found the best way of promoting my blogs and websites is The amazing link referral program. Don't worry it is absolutely free to join and you can generate visitors to your site by visiting others. It is really quick and easy to set up and the traffic you generate will help your website increase in google ranking. Give it a go now!!

I have generated amazing traffic from this program - increasing my affiliate sales and cannot recommend this enough. Believe me, if you have tried all the other programs on the market that you have had to pay for then you realise this one is the best - and it's free!!!

Best of luck with the blog!! I hope you get as much out of this program as I have ;-)

Anonymous said...

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forstine said...

Start Making Money 'Processing Judicial Judgments'

One of a kind CD ROM with included media player and bonus material Never seen or ever has there been anything like it. Platform :: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP

don't have to print the whole thing out anymore cause you can't read it all sitting in front of your computer.

This CD Rom has the course cleverly seperated and ready for easy reading. No thumbing through the papers to cross reference or to get back to a certain page. Just click on the chapters and go exactly where you wanna go each and every time.

Absolutely NO SELLING. You don't even have to talk to your clients.
Leave the comfort of your home ONLY occasionally to go to the courthouse.

Judgment recovery is in its infancy throughout the entire country but this industry is getting ready to explode!! There are literally millions of people in our country today who are holding a judgment that was awarded to them by the court, and they have no way to collect it. Judgment recovery is a tremendous business that is just catching fire, and it is very likely that you will be the only Judgment Recovery Specialist in your town.

You will recieve this business start up CD ROM with an option to purchase a website for your newly formed business go here to see what your website will look like:

What is judgment recovery?

When two people go to court over a dispute, only one of them wins. The winner (plaintiff), is awarded a judgment for a designated amount of money. Now comes the problem. How to collect the money owed to them. That's what judgment recovery is - the recovery of the funds awarded to the plaintiff in the judgment. The existing recovery methods leave a lot to be desired. Collections agencies don't work - all they do is send some nasty letters and make some phone calls. Attorneys will ask for a retainer, then it will cost an arm and a leg - if the attorney can collect it at all. Trying to collect it alone doesn't work, because no one knows how to go about it. So chances are, anyone awarded a judgment ends up holding a court-awarded piece of paper that does them absolutely no good whatsoever. All because no one knows HOW to collect the judgment! Having been awarded a judgment is one thing, collecting it is quite another.

The answer?
A Judgment Recovery Specialist! As a Recovery Specialist, you are the one they will come to in order to collect their judgment. The plaintiff will pay you a handsome commission to recover the money owing him from the judgment. No! You don't have to go to court or sue anyone, this has already been done by the plaintiff. You simply help him/her collect their money. So the age old dilemma of how to collect a judgment is quickly opening up a wide door of opportunity for millions of Americans, all because of Judgment Recovery Specialists. This is a long-awaited answer to a decades-old problem.

Is judgment recovery hard to do?
Not at all. Judgment recovery is not as difficult as collection agencies and attorneys would have the public believe. You locate your clients (those who have been awarded a judgment), by going to your local county court house, looking at the county records (these records are public and are available to anyone who wishes to see them), and making a list of those you want to contact. Then it's as simple as going home and sending them a letter explaining your services. You don't have to sell anything and you don't even have to talk to people on the phone if you don't want to. But you can believe once they get your letter and understand what you're going to do for them, they will be ringing your telephone off the hook. Getting your clients is no problem whatsoever. You'll find very quickly that you'll have more clients than you can handle. What a great position to be in. There are so few Recovery Specialists in the country that once the word gets around, you'll find business coming from everywhere!

Why will your clients be so anxious to pay you such great commissions?
Because 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing. And that's what they have now. Nothing! Just a piece of paper that says they are owed 'x' number of dollars. That's it! A piece of paper. They want the money in their hands, not a piece of paper, and they are delighted to pay you up to 50% of the recovered funds in order to get their share of the money. This is the standard commission structure for the judgment recovery industry.

A Judgment Recovery Specialist is the answer for millions of people. This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know about becoming a judgment recovery specialist. It will show you how to locate debtors and their assets anywhere in the country. All the tricks of the trade are here. Never before has there been such a complete, comprehensive course of this kind offered to the public. Here are some of the chapters in this fantastic manual:

Where to Find All the Judicial Judgments You Can Handle!
What to Look For
Having Judgments Assigned to You
Your Fees
Responses from Judgment Holders
Debtor Work Sheet
Industry Etiquette
How to Find Debtors - ANYWHERE!
How to Find Debtor's Assets
Resources/Credit Bureaus
What Assets to Seize
Mailing a Summons
Collecting Post-Judgment Interest/Costs
Out of State Judgments
Samples of Letterhead/Business Envelopes

As in any profession that touches on utilizing state law, you will find that familiarizing yourself with the statutes in your particular state concerning the collection of judgments to be your best ally. There is no substitute for knowledge. This manual will teach you all you need to know about recovering judgments for others. Just think of how many people you personally know that are holding a worthless judgment because it can't be collected. Once you begin to talk about it, you'll find there are more people than you ever imagined that have been awarded a judgment, but have never been able to do anything to collect it. Now you can provide a valuable service to them and make yourself a tremendous income at the same time.

Your fees are based on a percentage of the judgment. As an example, if your client has a judgment for $5,000, and your fee to collect it is 50% of the judgment, your fee would be $2,500. You can see it wouldn't take too many judgments in a month's time to make an incredible income. A lot of your clients will be doctors, hospitals, jewelers, apartment owners, etc. These people often win multiple judgments and will be a source of continuous business for you. You can adjust your fee schedule downward for those who give you more than one judgment to collect. Hard work and dedication to your client are the secret ingredients to any business. Judgment recovery is no exception. We are not offering a "get-rich-quick" scheme. This is a highly professional, exceptionally lucrative way to earn your living without leaving the comfort of your home, except for trips to the court house and the bank. Just think of the respect you will command in your community. You and your family will be proud that you've chosen to be a Judgment Recovery Specialist.

I offer this item with website: View my company's site to see what yours will look like ofcourse it can all be customized for you.

CD ROM also contains very important links and other information, 2 bonus ebooks are also included with this CD ROM already convienently installed on the disk. Plus this CD ROM also has a small media player on it, just in case you'd like to listen to your favorite tune while sharpening your knowledge.

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Anonymous said...

Business Opportunities

Anonymous said...


Hi matey

I'm sure it was this blog I was reading a while back where someone was looking for an SEO tool for driving more traffic and get more hits for their website.

Anyway, I was speaking to a techi guy at work who gets to know all the latest stuff and he uses the free Link Referral Program at

His website on income opportunity home based business amongst other stuff has seen traffic explode since he started using the Link Referral Program - consequently his affiliate sales commissions and business sales went through the roof PLUS his website increased in google ranking which was an added bonus!!

If anyone else has any good ideas for driving more traffic to blogs/websites then please share with your online business blog buddies. Ta ;-)

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